to be honest, i really don't know what to write about this session. it kind of feels like a blur.
more and more people are leaving & the goodbyes are getting harder.
programs are finishing and camp feels empty & strange.
the real world feels as though it is starting to creep in as people's priorities & energy & headspace start to change
this week there has been a lot of hard conversations where honesty & grace needed to coexist. where conviction & love had to meet. and it is a blessing to be entrusted with what someone else is going through, but man did my empathetic nature feel the weight.
i am learning about patience more through this bc the Lord is teaching me that once i have expressed my presence & willingness to support someone through something, that i am to wait to be invited into the mess. i can only help if they let me meet them where they are at. it is a hard lesson: how to love someone who heals best alone.
my mentee and i are reading through 1 Corinthians together and it has truly been so sweet to share our different thoughts and insights with each other. having an accountability partner who encourages you is such a gift, & it is so nurturing for the spirit.
this was the final week with one of my girls on my team & her absence is very evidently felt since she left saturday morning. her kindness & work ethic & unbridled joy were such gifts in our kitchen this summer.
this week was Philippians 2:15-16:
"So that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain."
this was reflected this week through conversations with my best friend. multiple times throughout the week we had check-ins bc this week was hard and frustrating. but we always came back to the truth that He works all things out for good and that we do not labor in vain. that we are called to live differently and love radically.
my off time was fruitful, a day to just be present with girls that i love and have fun. a day where we made some crazy decisions, ate some sketchy sushi, & laughed until our stomachs hurt. it was so recharging & refreshing. the sunday morning routine was back & it was restful, but it was full of vulnerable & honest conversation that was hard.
prayers for peace (like an overwhelming amount), as much understanding as He can give in this situation, for goodbyes to only be bitter bc of the sweetness, & for boldness to invite others into your mess.